Program information

At St. Charles, we offer Lester B. Pearson School Board’s Français+PLUS program which consists of: 

CYCLE 1 (Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2)
CYCLE 2 (Grades 3 and 4)
CYCLE 2 (Grades 5 and 6)

CYCLE 2 (Grades 3 and 4)

French is the language of instruction in Language Arts, Mathematics, Sciences and Technologies, Ethics, Visual Arts, Geography, History and Introduction to Citizenship Education.

English is the language of instruction in Physical Education, Music, and English Language Arts Enhancement.

85% of the instruction is in French and 15% is in English (approx.)


CYCLE  3 (Grade 5 and 6)
English is the language of instruction in Language Arts, Mathematics, Music, Ethics, and Physical Education.

French is the language of instruction in Language Arts, Visual Arts, Sciences and Technologies, Geography, History and Introduction to Citizenship Education.

43% of the instruction is in French and 57% is in English (approx.)


What is STEAM?

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math  

Using the inquiry method of learning and the Smarter Science Framework to create projects that cover specific content and competencies, while engaging students with multiple technological devices (iPads, Robotics equipment, Chromebooks, etc.). Our goal is for each class to complete two major projects this year.

As part of our STEAM program, we receive substantial support from:

  • LBPSB Educational Services, providing us with consultants to support the project, and work with our teachers
  • Pearson Educational Foundation, providing us with financial support to pursue our robotics projects
  • Charles Home and School providing us with funds to purchase technological devices

We invite you to view our projects which will be posted on Facebook as they are completed.