Home and School

St. Charles Home & School’s mission is to be the crucial link between your “HOME” and our “SCHOOL” and whose main objective is to support the success of all students through fundraising and active parental participation.  


Why join our Home & School?

  • Get Connected: there’s no better way to know what’s happening at St. Charles than by attending our monthly meetings.
  • Speak up: the H&S is a forum for exchanging ideas.
  • Witness Improvement: by getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution, helping to make positive changes.
  • Be a Role Model: by becoming a H&S member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.
  • Have Fun: did you know the H&S organizes the Family BBQ, Breakfast with Santa, Carnival, Footloose Day, Holiday Shop, Movie Night, Pizza /TCBY/Subway lunch, Photos, English/French Book Fairs etc.?

You decide on your level of involvement.

As a member we benefit from, among other things:

  • Ability to manage our own funds
  • Minutes and agenda of St. Charles Home and School meetings sent directly to you (the meetings are held once a month in our school library)
  • Voting privileges at all St. Charles Home and School meetings
  • QFHSA News – emailed directly to each member family
  • Access to a variety of low-cost workshops (i.e., parenting skills, homework, learning styles, bullying, etc.) held by keynote speakers
  • Information to parents on how to benefit from the QFHSA support groups and services
  • Tax receipts for monetary donations made to St. Charles Home and School for amounts in excess of $20.00

Contact Us 

2024-25 Home and School Team

For all inquiries, contact stcharleshomeandschool@gmail.com

Allyson Shore - Talia D’Costa
Julianne Read - Donna Coelho
Nadia Sears - Allyson Shore
Rebecca Forbes
Sandra Darie
Membership/Volunteer Coordinator
Kimberley Betsalel
Allocation Coordinator
Rebecca Forbes
Nadia Sears - Giovanna Panetta
Lunch Committee
Lorry Portela
Newsletter Editor
Anna Tataris - Darine Abdallah
Grad Chairs
Kimberley Betsalel
Talia D’Costa

Frequently Asked Questions

What does H&S stand for?

H&S is the abbreviation for Home & School. More specifically, at our school we refer to it as St. Charles H&S.

QFHSA is the abbreviation for the Quebec Federation of Home & School Associations.

The QFHSA is an independent, incorporated not for profit volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing the education and general well-being of children and youth. The QFHSA promotes the involvement of parents, students, educators, and the community at large in the advancement of learning and acts as a voice for parents. 

Home & School operates as a separate entity allowing us to keep “OUR MONEY in OUR SCHOOL for OUR CHILDREN” As a member of the QFHSA we benefit from the ability to manage our own funds and ascertain that the funds we raise will be used for their intended purposes for the benefit of the students at St. Charles. 

  • Low-cost workshops offered by the QFHSA.
  • Stay connected with H&S meeting minutes and agenda sent directly to you.
  • Home & School Newsletters from QFHSA.
  • Tax receipts for members who donate to our school for amounts $20 or more.

The raison d’être of the St. Charles Home & School is not any different from that of the Parent Participatory Organization (PPO). The St. Charles Home & School works in collaboration with the staff, the principal, and the Governing Board to help improve the quality of our children’s school life. With the support of the community and the staff, we are able to fundraise for all the events and activities that help to make the St. Charles school experience a wonderful one both academically and socially.

The Red Mailbox is located near the front office. All monies and/or forms should be placed in an envelope and labelled “Red Mailbox” along with your child’s name and purpose (Pizza, TCBY, Subway, BBQ, etc.). This ensures that the envelope which your child will hand in to their teacher will end up in the Red Mailbox. All other envelopes or information that is not requested to be returned to the Red Mailbox should be labelled as well (Hot Lunch, After School Activities, etc.) All daycare correspondence, ped day forms and cheques regarding the daycare must be handed in directly to the daycare staff. 

Why join our Home & School?

  • Get Connected: there’s no better way to know what’s happening at St. Charles than by attending our monthly meetings.
  • Speak up: the H&S is a forum for exchanging ideas.
  • Witness Improvement: by getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution, helping to make positive changes.
  • Be a Role Model: by becoming a H&S member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.
  • Have Fun: did you know the H&S organizes the Family BBQ, Breakfast with Santa, Carnival, Footloose Day, Holiday Shop, Movie Night, Pizza /TCBY/Subway lunch, Photos, English/French Book Fairs etc.?

You decide on your level of involvement.